Relationships Matter

This is from a letter to my teachers...

I think sometimes I have one of the best jobs in our school for building relationships with kids. While that may sound strange since I don’t have a classroom, it makes a lot of sense if you think about it. You see, I have lots one-on-one time with many of our students. Sometimes they are in crisis and sometimes they are with me because they made a choice that landed them in my office. Either way, it's just the two of us building a relationship.

As we spend time together, I get the opportunity to learn more about them and help them try to figure out the why behind their behavior. I also get to teach them better ways to handle their emotions or situations. Sometimes, I have to re-teach those lessons over and over. But, during those lessons, I'm also building trust. They know I care about them….that I believe in them.

While this all sounds positive, there is a downside to all of this. If I'm having those moments, you, the teacher, are not. How often do you get 20 or 30 minutes to work one-on-one with your student during the day? How often are those moments happening when you don’t have 23 other kiddos to teach? The reality is that in order for you to devote that much time to one student, you must be giving up your breaks, lunches, and before or after school. While this is possible, it’s not fair to you. You need balance, too.

My point to all of this? If you ever want me to come in and take over your class while you take what would normally be my time with them to solve an issue, I'd be happy to do that. I'll come in and teach, read a book, or lead a discussion. I would be happy to give you the time you need if you thought that might make a difference.

Now...please know that I get that sometimes you might not feel ready to help them because of what they might have just done. Sometimes, we are just too frustrated to be effective. I completely understand that. Heck, sometimes I have them sit there awhile because I'm frustrated that they are back for an issue that we have gone over many times. (I call this a Principal time-out at school and a Mommy time-out at home.) I just wanted to give you the opportunity to switch it up.

Now, below you will see an image of a great behavior management tool that may make a huge difference for you. If you have a kiddo that you are struggling with and you decide to try this, I would love to hear how it worked for you!

Thanks for reading!
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